Historic Waikiki is a project by DownWind Productions, a collaborative of artists, writers, teachers and activists who examine the impact of colonialism, capitalism, and tourism in Hawai'i. We distribute information and agitprop commodities through the marketplace and e-commerce to help tourists and locals alike understand our complicity in the decimation of Hawaii's land and people, and to imagine a different visitor/host relationship.
DownWind is subjected to everything that happens and happened upwind. When hunting, it is recommended that you position yourself downwind of the hunted.
KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen
- Gaye Chan, Artist, DownWind Productions
- Andrea Feeser, Researcher, DownWind Productions
- Nandita Sharma, Co-editor, DownWind Productions
Vereinigte Staaten, 1999-2003
Eingabe des Beitrags
Gaye Chan, 16.05.2003
- Kulturprojekt
- Themen:
- Netzkunst |
- Konzeptuelle Arbeit |
- Aktivismus |
- E-Commerce |
- Globalisierung |
- Medienkunst |
- Urbaner Raum |
- Webdesign |
- Internet |
- Soziale Systeme |
- Geschichte |
- Wissensräume |
- Cultural Studies
- Formate:
- vernetzt
- Technik:
Ergänzungen zur Schlagwortliste
- Tourism |
- Waikiki |
- Travel