\\ eCulture\ Intro


eCulture stands for digital products, productions and services in the cultural field. eCulture products and productions depend on interdisciplinary expertise in design, computer science and content production as well as dramaturgy and forms of narration on the basis of digital technologies. There are different aspects - pedagogics, entertainment and / or generating knowledge - that they are focussed on.
In cooperation with the Bremen Senate for Economy and Harbours, the [link 01] MARS-Exploratory Media Lab founded a trend-setting platform, the [link 02] eCulture Factory. It supports interactions between art, design and technology. With regard to new prototypes and products, the Factory explores the transformations of public space brought about by phenomena such as networking and mobility.
There are plans for an eCulture / eScience network Bremen that initiates, evaluates and presents research, development and potential applications of eCulture productions and products in cooperation with regional, national, European and international institutions. eCulture Factory is going to be a think tank, which works together with partners in the scientific, economic and cultural sector. The aim is to develop and realize dreams, ideas, concepts and projects for living, learning, playing and working in a networked and mobile society.
More information: [link 03] http://eculturefactory.de/
Opening of the eCulture Factory Showrooms, 31.10.2005
[link 04] Video - RealPlayer

[link 05] Der Bremer Senator für Wirtschaft und Häfen

Liste der Links in der Seite:

[link 01]http://www.iais.fraunhofer.de/index.php?id=1884&L=1
[link 02]http://eculturefactory.de/
[link 03]http://eculturefactory.de/
[link 04]http://eculturefactory.de/video/ecf/trailer.rm
[link 05]http://www2.bremen.de/wuh/start/wirtschaftframes.html